Oculus Not Working. Oh Wait. Fixed!

I though that setting up the Oculus would be an easy process, but alas, it decided to not be as smooth as I’d hoped.

I plugged everything in including the power adapter, and evert time I tried to configure I either had an error that the tracker wasn’t working or an error that the HDMI port wasn’t connected. I tried shutting everything down, rebooting, plugging things in and out… Nothing seemed to be working or changing the error. We’d struggled with this at an early stage when we first borrowed the Oculus from Greg, but I can’t remember what the solution we came up with was.

I took to Google and searched forums and blogs to see what the problem was. Upon watching this setup video, I learnt that the port in which the HDMI was plugged into was important. It needed to be in the port that went directly to the machine and not the graphics card. The machine had two HDMI ports so I tried it in the other one and thankfully it worked! It’s nice to have the mini wins!


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